Photobiomodulation using LLLT (Low-Level Laser Therapy)
A restorative effect and well-being
Photobiomodulation has multiple indications: limiting inflammation in acne, post-peeling, post-laser, after plasma pen treatment, for its rejuvenating effect, against the risk of infection, for the treatment of psoriasis, to limit hair loss.

Session of 30 min
Without anesthesia
Immediate effect with improvement over the following weeks
For long lasting effects, a regular maintenance treatment is required. LLLT is an excellent complement to other aesthetic medicine techniques.
Suitable for men and women
The effects of light on your skin
We use a medical LED including :
1 to 5mm penetration, improves cell regeneration, relieves pain, action on blood circulation (and indirectly on inflammation).
Penetration of 1mm, eliminates acne bacteria, inhibits sebaceous glands, prevents wound infection.
1mm penetration, wellness effect, relieves sensitive skin.
Penetration of 1mm, relieves redness, tones muscles.
The Xenon
(Intense Pulsed Light = IPL lamp) deeper penetration, up to 6mm. Promotes skin photorejuvenation and improves skin texture.