Plasma Pen / Medical Blepharoplasty / Plasma Lift
Rejuvenation of the eye area
Treatment of sagging eyelids (medical blepharoplasty) and xanthelasmas (yellow fatty deposits on the skin), the plasma pen has also shown its effectiveness in treating all the small benign growths that can appear on the skin.

Session of 30 to 45 min
Local anesthesia by applying an anesthetic cream 1 hour before the procedure.
Effect as early as 7 days with improvement as the sessions progress
Effet dans le temps variable selon les patients
Suitable for men and women
Plasma Pen technology
Plasma Pen technology arrived in France very recently. The Plasma Pen allows, by the creation of a focused plasma, to sublimate the skin, that is to say to create a superficial abrasion of the epidermis then an immediate retraction. It generates a plasma that will send a significant amount of energy to the skin.
A visible retraction
The skin will retract following the vaporization of the excess skin. A real "skin tightening" effect is observed on the treated areas. Its action is limited to the epidermis. The effect is visible from the first session. In order to optimize the result, the same area can be treated several times (at least 4 weeks between sessions).
The skintigtening effect is also used for sagging skin on the abdomen, neckline and face, eyelids to delay and avoid recourse to surgery.
The results are long-lasting (several years).

Nous utilisons le Plaxpot.