aesthetic medicine
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Permanent hair removal

2 hair removal techniques are available at the FEUTREN&PETIN Aesthetics center. 

1) Laser hair removal :

For pigmented hair on light to dark skin (phototype 1 to 6), in the absence of active tanning, it is possible to achieve permanent hair removal (over 90%) with the laser. We use 2 types of lasers, using the GentleMax Pro platform, to treat all types of skin: the Alexandrite laser and the NdYag laser. The laser energy is transmitted to the root of the hair in the anagen phase (growth phase) and destroys these cells very specifically. On average, 15-20% of the hairs in a region are treated in 1 session. Effective treatment for women and men.

2) Electric hair removal:

When the hair contains little melanin (natural pigmentation of the hair), when it is blond or white, it is not targeted by the laser. We therefore use an electric hair removal method (combining electrolysis and thermolysis) to remove them. This technique is more time-consuming because it requires a very fine probe/filament to be inserted into each hair follicle to deliver the energy.

Electric hair removal is also recommended as a complement to laser hair removal to remove hair from the chin area and sideburns in order to avoid paradoxical hyperpilosity (which is particularly risky for these areas).

The possible treatments are

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